1310nm RJ光?椋1310nm双纤双向LC微型光?
参数 |
典范值 |
参数 |
典范值 |
事情温度 |
-45~85℃ |
发送差分输入电压 |
0.2~2.4V |
存储温度 |
-55~100℃ |
吸收差分输出电压 |
0.78V |
电源电压 |
+3.3V |
吸收信号终端匹配 |
差分100 Ohms |
发送部分 |
吸收部分 |
参数 |
典范值 |
参数 |
典范值 |
输出光功率 |
-8~-2dBm |
吸收迅速度 |
≤-18dBm |
输出光波长 |
1310nm |
光输入波长规模 |
1260~1620nm |
消光比 |
8 dB |
信号检测滞回 |
2.0dB |
型号 |
产品形态 |
型号速率 (bit/s) |
激光器波长 (nm) |
传输距离 (km) |
FTRJ-1324-10I |
双纤双向LC插拔型 |
2.5G |
1310 |
10 |
FTRJ-1342-10I |
双纤双向LC插拔型 |
4.25G |
1310 |
10 |
FTRJ-1362-10I |
双纤双向LC插拔型 |
6.25G |
1310 |
10 |
Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice. The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.