







CSFP(Compact Small Form Factor Pluggable)即是紧凑型SFP,是在现在盛行的SFP封装基础上,生长更为先进、更为紧凑的CSFP封装 。通过接纳双通道、四通道的设计,CSFP接纳现有SFP通用接口,但将形状尺寸缩小到现有工业标准的一半和四分之一,通过组合还可无邪设置通道数目 。若是继续接纳古板分立元件计划,那么在手艺上将很难实现上述功效 。CSFP团结高集成度的光电集成手艺,在拥有SFP所有的手艺优势的基础上,大幅度减小光收发?楹凸庀低匙氨傅男巫闯叽,显著增添通讯端口密度及数据吞吐量,降低系统本钱,可望在数据通讯市场上大显身手 。

F-tone Compact small form-factor pluggable CSFP transceiver and a compact small form-factor CSFF transceiver supports network systems, especially those deploying single-fiber bidirectional transceivers in high density applications.

The CSFP MSA defines a transceiver mechanical form-factor with latching mechanism and a host board, SFP-like, electrical edge connector and cage. The CSFF MSA also defines a transceiver mechanical form-factor.

The dual-channel CSFP  compatible with the standard SFP cage. The single-channel CSFP and CSFF are half the size of the industry-standard SFP and SFF packages. The CSFF design is modular to enable configurations of integrated 2ch modules. In future Eotpolink will develop 4ch CSFP modules.

These highly integrated compact transceiver modules will enable network system vendors to increase port density and data throughput, while reducing network equipment cost.

  •   CSFP transceiver, Compact SFP transceiver: option 1 and option 2 are available
  •   up to 120km
Package Part No. Data Rate     (TX/RX) Wavelength (TX/RX) Distance Range/Power Budget DDM Case Temperature range
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-10-LC 155M/155M 1490nm/1310nm 10km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-10-CL 155M/155M 1310nm/1490nm 10km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-20-LC 155M/155M 1490nm/1310nm 20km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-20-CL 155M/155M 1310nm/1490nm 20km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-10-LC 1.25G/1.25G 1490nm/1310nm 10km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-10-CL 1.25G/1.25G 1310nm/1490nm 10km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-20-LC 1.25G/1.25G 1490nm/1310nm 20km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-20-CL 1.25G/1.25G 1310nm/1490nm 20km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-10-LC1 155M/155M 1490nm/1310nm 10km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-10-CL1 155M/155M 1310nm/1490nm 10km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-20-LC1 155M/155M 1490nm/1310nm 20km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-20-CL1 155M/155M 1310nm/1490nm 20km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-10-LC1 1.25G/1.25G 1490nm/1310nm 10km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-10-CL1 1.25G/1.25G 1310nm/1490nm 10km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-20-LC1 1.25G/1.25G 1490nm/1310nm 20km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-20-CL1 1.25G/1.25G 1310nm/1490nm 20km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-10-LCI 155M/155M 1490nm/1310nm 10km D Indust.
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-10-CLI 155M/155M 1310nm/1490nm 10km D Indust.
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-20-LCI 155M/155M 1490nm/1310nm 20km D Indust.
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-20-CLI 155M/155M 1310nm/1490nm 20km D Indust.
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-10-LCI 1.25G/1.25G 1490nm/1310nm 10km D Indust.
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-10-CLI 1.25G/1.25G 1310nm/1490nm 10km D Indust.
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-20-LCI 1.25G/1.25G 1490nm/1310nm 20km D Indust.
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-20-CLI 1.25G/1.25G 1310nm/1490nm 20km D Indust.
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-10-LCI1 155M/155M 1490nm/1310nm 10km D Indust.
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-10-CLI1 155M/155M 1310nm/1490nm 10km D Indust.
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-20-LCI1 155M/155M 1490nm/1310nm 20km D Indust.
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-20-CLI1 155M/155M 1310nm/1490nm 20km D Indust.
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-10-LCI1 1.25G/1.25G 1490nm/1310nm 10km D Indust.
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-10-CLI1 1.25G/1.25G 1310nm/1490nm 10km D Indust.
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-20-LCI1 1.25G/1.25G 1490nm/1310nm 20km D Indust.
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-20-CLI1 1.25G/1.25G 1310nm/1490nm 20km D Indust.
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1603-XX-XX 155M/155M CWDM 100km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1603-XX-XX1 155M/155M CWDM 100km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1612-XX-XX 1.25G/1.25G CWDM 80km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1612-XX-XX1 1.25G/1.25G CWDM 80km D Comm
CSFP option2 FTCS-BI1624-XX-XX 2.5G/2.5G CWDM 20km D Comm
CSFP option1 FTCS-BI1624-XX-XX1 2.5G/2.5G CWDM 20km D Comm
1.25Gb/s Compact SFP 80km Optical Transceiver Module

1.25Gb/s Compact SFP 80km Optical Transceiver Module

1.25Gb/s Compact SFP 80km Optical Transceiver Module

F-tone Networks’CSFP-OC24-80Ax Small Form Factor Pluggable (CSFP) transceivers are compatible with the Small Form Factor Pluggable Multi-Sourcing Agreement (MSA), The transceiver consists of 2-channel Bi-directional Optical Transceiver unit with five sections: the LD driver, the limiting amplifier, the digital diagnostic monitor, the DFB laser and the PIN photo-detector .

1.25Gb/s Compact SFP 80km Optical Transceiver Module (1550Tx/1490nmRx)

1.25Gb/s Compact SFP 80km Optical Transceiver Module (1550Tx/1490nmRx)

1.25Gb/s Compact SFP 80km Optical Transceiver Module

F-tone Networks’CSFP-OC24-80Bx Small Form Factor Pluggable (CSFP) transceivers are compatible with the Small Form Factor Pluggable Multi-Sourcing Agreement (MSA), The transceiver consists of 2-channel Bi-directional Optical Transceiver unit with five sections: the LD driver, the limiting amplifier, the digital diagnostic monitor, the DFB laser and the PIN photo-detector .

1.25Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach

1.25Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach

1.25Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach

The CSFP transceivers are high performance, cost effective modules supporting 1.25Gbps and 20km transmission distance with SMF.The transceiver consists of three sections: a FP laser transmitter, a PIN photodiode integrated with a trans-impedance preamplifier (TIA) and MCU control unit. All modules satisfy class I laser safety requirements.

1.25Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach (1490nm TX / 1310 nm RX)

1.25Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach (1490nm TX / 1310 nm RX)

1.25Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach

The CSFP transceivers are high performance, cost effective modules supporting 1.25Gbps and 20km transmission distance with SMF.The transceiver consists of three sections: a DFB laser transmitter, a PIN photodiode integrated with a trans-impedance preamplifier (TIA) and MCU control unit. All modules satisfy class I laser safety requirements.

1.25Gbps CSFP 20km

1.25Gbps CSFP 20km

CSFP-OC24-20Axx 1.25Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach 1310nm TX / 1490 nm RX


  •  Support 1.25Gbps data links
  •  1310nm FP laser and PIN photodetector for 20km transmission
  •  2xBi-directional transceivers in 1 SFP transceiver package
  •  Compliant with CSFP MSA Option 2 and SFF-8472
  •  Digital Diagnostic Monitoring:
  • Internal Calibration or External Calibration
  •  Compatible with SONET OC-24 system
  •  Compatible with RoHS
  •  +3.3V single power supply
  •  Operating case temperature:

 0 to +70°C(Commercial)

-40°C to +85°C (Industrial)


  •  SONET OC-24 system
  •  Gigabit Ethernet
  •  Fiber Channel
  •  Switch to Switch interface
  •  Point to Point FTTH Application
  •  Other optical transmission systems

10.3125Gb/s CSFP BIDI Transceiver

10.3125Gb/s CSFP BIDI Transceiver

10.3125Gb/s CSFP BIDI Transceiver

c7c7娱乐专业研爆发产(天下产化可选):10.3125Gb/s CSFP BIDI Transceiver, 10.3125Gb/s CSFP BIDI Transceiver海量交付给国防、军工、航空、航天、武器、舰船、雷达、电子、核工业、军事、电力、铁路、医疗、交通、通讯、电信、政府、国防科技工业系统内大专院校及科研院所

10Gb/s 10km SFP+ Bidirectional Transceiver

10Gb/s 10km SFP+ Bidirectional Transceiver

10Gb/s 10km SFP+ Bidirectional Transceiver

The FT-BE-TF3205 SFP+ transceiver is intended for 10km reach service from 9.95Gb/s to 10.3125Gb/s 1330nm/1270nm single mode high-speed communications equipment where low-cost, extraordinary performance and reliability are essential.

2.488Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach

2.488Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach

2.488Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach

The CSFP transceivers are high performance, cost effective modules supporting 2.488Gbps and 20km transmission distance with SMF.The transceiver consists of three sections: a DFB laser transmitter, a PIN photodiode integrated with a trans-impedance preamplifier (TIA) and MCU control unit. All modules satisfy class I laser safety requirements.

2.488Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach (1490nm TX / 1310 nm RX)

2.488Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach (1490nm TX / 1310 nm RX)

2.488Gbps Compact Bi-Di SFP Transceiver, 20km Reach

The CSFP transceivers are high performance, cost effective modules supporting 2.488Gbps and 20km transmission distance with SMF.The transceiver consists of three sections: a DFB laser transmitter, a PIN photodiode integrated with a trans-impedance preamplifier (TIA) and MCU control unit. All modules satisfy class I laser safety requirements.

25Gb/s 10km  1310nm SFP28 Optical Transceiver

25Gb/s 10km 1310nm SFP28 Optical Transceiver

25Gb/s 10km  1310nm SFP28 Optical Transceiver

The FT-BE-TF3225 SFP+ footprint transceiver is intended for 10km reach service from 24.33Gb/s to 25.78Gb/s Tx1330nm/Rx1270 single mode high-speed communications equipment where low-cost, extraordinary performance and reliability are essential. 

25Gb/s 10km SFP28 Optical Transceiver

25Gb/s 10km SFP28 Optical Transceiver

25Gb/s 10km SFP28 Optical Transceiver

The FT-BE-TF2325 SFP+ footprint transceiver is intended for 10km reach service from 24.33Gb/s to 25.78Gb/s Tx1270nm/Rx1330 single mode high-speed communications equipment where low-cost, extraordinary performance and reliability are essential. 

25Gb/s 40km  1270nm SFP28 Optical Transceiver

25Gb/s 40km 1270nm SFP28 Optical Transceiver

25Gb/s 40km  1270nm SFP28 Optical Transceiver

The FT-BE-TF2328 SFP+ footprint transceiver is intended for 40km reach service from 24.33Gb/s to 25.78Gb/s Tx1270nm/Rx1310 single mode high-speed communications equipment where low-cost, extraordinary performance and reliability are essential. 

25Gb/s 40km SFP28 Optical Transceiver

25Gb/s 40km SFP28 Optical Transceiver

25Gb/s 40km SFP28 Optical Transceiver

The FT-BE-TF3228 SFP+ footprint transceiver is intended for 40km reach service from 24.33Gb/s to 25.78Gb/s Tx1310nm/Rx1270 single mode high-speed communications equipment where low-cost, extraordinary performance and reliability are essential. 

50G 13130nm QSFP28 Optical Transceiver

50G 13130nm QSFP28 Optical Transceiver

50G 13130nm QSFP28 Optical Transceiver

The FT-BE-MQ2118 is a low power consumption QSFP28 PAM4 transceiver with high performance up to 50G high speed telecom and data communications over single mode fiber. It operates from a 3.3V DC power supply and is offered in the commercial temperature range. 




专为千兆以太网,1G光纤通道,SONET OC-24和SDH STM-8链路设计,接纳双单工单模光纤 。CSFP意味着紧凑的SFP,即2通道BiDi SFP 。

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